Independence Day




  The program details are


10.30 -10.35---national anthem recitation


10.35-11.55----cultural programs


11.55---12.00--vandemathram song


12noon to 12.30pm. Madhanna Aarthi

 As part of the Independence Day kids programs, we are planning to organize
the Indian national leaders monologue program at Chavadi temple on
Independence Day [August 15th 2015 at 10.30am - Noon].
Here is the google doc
with some of the names of the leaders. Please sign up with the kids name and
the character they want to monologue on. Any dances,skits are welcome.Please
update the sheet if you wish to participate any cultural activities.




 please click on this link to Register for any cultural


activities and Monologue





This will help our kids learn about our leaders and the kind of sacrifices they made for the independence of our country and also help them develop confidence in public speaking .




Event Properties

Event Date 08-15-2015
Event End Date 08-15-2015
Location Shri Sai Chavadi

We are no longer accepting registration for this event